Friday, January 28, 2011

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The value of fossils: Mollusca.

Some of the items most closely watched by the readers of The Mirror of Science peculiarly belong to the series now gets a new episode, not surprisingly, three of his works have been among the twelve most read entries this Blog. Mollusca
Edge is a huge biological group formed by more than one hundred thousand living species currently described, popularly called "Mollusks" today home to nearly all ecosystems of the world except the arid deserts, but their greatest diversity biological states on the coasts of all continents made up of more edge of the Animal Kingdom after the arthropods. Animals are lacking spine and triblásticos coelomate protostomes, featuring almost always bilateral symmetry which exceptions are secondary. They are characterized mainly by calcareous shell secreted by an underlying integument called Manto though exceptionally it is absent in certain groups, the radula, the power authority formed by rows of keratinous teeth is unique in the animal kingdom. Also have a muscular foot that facilitates locomotion either as a lever or "ribbon" of lubricated sliding mucosa.
Thanks to their calcified shells, mollusks have left a deep mark along the Earth's geological history over the last hundred million years, so much so that make the elementary matter of some sedimentary rocks. To date they have been described about forty thousand fossil species of this phylum, although the actual historical figure could reach one million Taxa that are well before the Cambrian period to the present.
After numerous taxonomic changes prompted by the difficulty of classifying so lax and diverse group show, promoting infinite interpretations, revisions and evolutionary theories of the most varied, the Taxonomy has also had to consider in more recent cladistic system, which has shaken again all traditional classification proposals for years. The most accepted Cladograma today is the proposed eight different classes, divided into several subclasses, and numerous orders Infraclass, these classes are Caudofoveata, Cephalopoda, Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Monoplacophora, Polyplacophora, Scaphopoda and Solenogastres.
After this brief introduction, I present a small sample of the extensive fossil record that illustrates an overview of the appearance of the two classes most notable of Philo, the gastropods, popularly called "Snails" and bivalves; excluyo intencionadamente a los Cefalópodas con el fin de dedicarles un capítulo íntegro en el futuro. Todas las piezas aquí expuestas proceden de mi colección personal que incluye un mayor número de especímenes cuya presentación prolongaría en exceso este artículo.
Las primeras piezas que pueden verse conforman un raro ejemplo de Arqueogasterópodos primitivos. Archaeogastropoda es el nombre aplicado a un viejo Orden actualmente en desuso, ubicado en la Subclase Prosobranchia, siempre bajo los dogmas de la clasificación clásica; la ubicación actual de estos antiguos Gasterópodos, cuya representación se mantiene en la actualidad dado que aún es posible hallar especies vivas en litorales rocosos warm and temperate seas around the globe unknown to me after losing its location along the many changes that have taken the classification of the group. The specimens in question belong to the genus Rhombella, Jupiter come from training in the middle of the Silurian Anticosti Island (Québec), Canada.

Rhombella sp.

The following sample receives nomenclature Glauconia sp. and represents by itself the stereotype of marine gastropods. Much more recent in time and in fact significantly more advanced than Gender previous was alive Glauconia equipped with a voluminous and extensive visceral muscular foot that allowed him to move along the sunny coastal bed. Although unaware of the exact provenance of this piece in particular, the fossils of this genus are common in Cretaceous sediments of most of the world and is very popular throughout Europe shelly deposits.

Exemplary Glauconia sp.

would be possible to fill hundreds of pages showing and commenting extinct species of gastropods, but respecting the general character of this text, the following species I present is included in another of the major classes of mollusks, bivalves.
Lower Cretaceous is also Exogira flabelata, a member of the Family Gryphaeidae, for the Order Ostrea. It is not the only component of this family in my file represented fossil, but if one of the most beautiful. Here you see one of the leaflets decorated with bones and bumps. Because Exogira Gender, popularly called "Oyster honeycomb, used to anchor in the rocky coast of tropical coastal costal position, the left valve used to be more developed than the right, used the latter as a of "front" generating a random asymmetry.

fossil Balvan Exogira flabelata .

Spectacular might be a good adjective to define perfectly preserved shells that until today have come from Myophorella lusitanica, a medium-sized Trigoniidae from the Middle Jurassic of Europe. The piece in question has some deformities because of the weight located sediment and some erosion of the lateral spines, but in any event has retained much of its original, native of Portugal, is close to the average size of the species.

Myophorella lusitanica.

Far from forming a reference work, this article I hope to have aroused the interest of the reader for this colossal Filo and large fossil record. If you prefer, you find pictures and references of a greater number of fossil species of molluscs on the fan page of The Mirror of Science in Facebook, just have to visit the photo album dedicated to this article. All participation is welcome.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Is Flucloxacillin Effective For Chest Infection

looked behind her back if she was his pride, he was afraid that poisoned him again with the vanity and arrogance of their spines. He tried to escape to free knowing that yoke in many other cases had made him feel so strong and secure. Was being felt mostly suppress cross, that leaves a sour taste about dealing with the most feared rival: to accept the defeat against yourself. Even so, decided to continue its efforts, turning a deaf ear to the voices in his conscience demanded return to your site to pick it up, arm themselves with him to his eyebrows and beat any price.

But this time it was too late for his pride, he had measured what was at stake and so is freed of heavy armor, if only for a short time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How Many Energy Drinks Will Cause Miscarriage

Pride In a box was

found an old metal box, where he used to save the little things that were happening,
during my career for life, so stop time. When open, a million feelings
fluttered inside me while discovering its contents. I took it
A perfect date and other forgotten.
The cinema ticket for a movie that I missed, to get lost among the caresses of kisses.
A handful of smiles and the siege that left a small puddle of tears.
A sleep hidden behind an old picture out of focus, where the illusion had been frozen.
A letter was never sent, one that was spent so be read and one that broke and then stuck to the glue of hope. A bracelet color
departure by the euphoria wear many times.
An unforgettable date noted on the back of an envelope yellow, with a telephone number dialed a thousand times.
A link to the hair with the scent of nostalgia.
Two train tickets to the city of memories, one leg and one back.

Tonsillitis And Stiff Neck

Encyclopedia of Animals.

"Encyclopedia of Animals",
National Geographic.

New year, new work, is exactly what I had to think the editor of National Geographic Society, who through the licensee of the company in Spain, which falls in the RBA publishing group, makes available lovers of wild life which is undoubtedly the greatest work published in our language issue.
In fact, National Geographic published his most comprehensive and detailed information about the animal kingdom, a whole encyclopedia is unparalleled English. The name assigned to the English version "Encyclopedia of Animals" and has no less than twenty volumes organized by taxonomic groups. Of these twenty volumes five of them are devoted to mammals, the same number of books are devoted to birds and other both fish, two volumes are devoted to sauropsids under "Reptiles", other two have to invertebrates as a theme while Volume one is to Amphibians. In total, twenty books topped by a separate volume that houses both the overall rate of the work as a full thematic dictionary. Each volume is subdivided into smaller biological groups, describing accurately and in a pleasant, accompanied by numerous photographs, illustrations, maps and graphs, the different Families of the World Fauna. Never before one work had reached such detail.
With this new National Geographic publication intended to replace your old work on the subject, reprinted several times in previous years under the title "The Wonderful World of Animals", which consisted of only seventeen volumes organized similarly to the new publication but has become obsolete in terms of biology, ethology and Cladistics. In addition, the new encyclopaedia is accompanied by a dozen DVDs which may be the best and most recent documentaries on wildlife, whose themes are to complement the print edition, corresponding to each disc biological group addressed by the volume it accompanies.
documentary collection is composed of thirty-six titles, which are listed below: Living Among Lions, The Return of the Kangaroos, Mountain Gorillas, The New Chimpanzees, leopards stalking, the arctic Giants, Giants of Africa, The Wild Camel of the Andes, The Dark Side of Dolphins, Orcas, Sea Lions, Giant Crocodile, The Dragons of Galapagos, in the domains of Anaconda, The Rainbow Serpent, Transformations in the animal world, frogs dangerous Giant Squid, The Conquerors, Hornets from Hell, Killer Bees, Emperors of the Ice, The Gates Hell, Demons flying Vultures of the Serengeti, silent hunter, The grip of terror, the deceiver of the Australian forest, the vampire Bird Island, Jewels of the Caribbean Sea, Life in the marshes, hunting the great white shark, The tiger shark, salmon against the tide, The Yellowstone Trout Life on the reefs and Hunting the Giant Tuna.
In turn, the new compendium is to provide an alternative to large scale to another recently published book, "Encyclopedia of Animals", an edit made by a single volume prepared as a general guide to many is totally inadequate.
printing and binding of the work was undertaken in Spain over the last year and in his time, the editorial Ediciones El País marketing probed under license from RBA, but now when the licensee of the company started selling a large scale and make it three different ways; interested readers can obtain the encyclopedia through its acquisition by reservation at newsstands and bookstores or by subscription directly through the RBA Group, which is the most convenient option, secure and cost as the components of the publication are received on time in own home but can also be purchased to supplement the daily ABC. In any case always be acquired volumes collectibles, the reader can obtain only the parts of the work that are of interest if you wish to purchase the entire publication.
As a personal note, I would like to highlight the sheer quality and reliability of publishing and information contained in the encyclopedia forerunner of this new book, "The Wonderful World of Animals" was a sublime publication which is now replaced by a set encyclopedic updated and greatly expanded. On the other hand, I had the opportunity to see many here are willing documentaries on DVD and some of them are part of my video library owners, enjoying all the fascinating creature that characterizes National Geographic. I remember at the same time as the Larousse editorial published in Spain in the middle of the decade of 1,990 an extract from the old modular encyclopedia partworks mode and bound, before the company established its licensee in that country and accompanied by a notable collection of documentaries on VHS, but ESTs are composed of videos selected from a large number of producers who did not give any uniformity to the collection and certainly did not benefit at all from the quality and craftsmanship of National Geographic. "Wild Life" was the title of that publication and is also part of my personal folder, maybe a reader have met the same way.
If you have the opportunity to acquire it, this is a book I recommend without hesitation.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Program To Hack Sidekick

Why the postman always rings in my house? Paper Birds

At least, I must say, never called twice ...

I have two theories: that pressed for the system all the buttons on the intercom, but the strange thing is that when I only hear my answer Who is it? ... or in the morning I'm the only resident of my block and it stalled me, saving press the rest. Sometimes, when up to me a fine or any other letter, I just want to ask out of curiosity more than anything, but never I do not go to be misunderstood my question.

When called the mailshot, always open the door, I remember my student days, when performing this type of work, very hateful most of the time, because people is very unpleasant when they pressed the intercom ... I remember I used to start pressing the buttons on the upper floors, I do not know if I was afraid that I would open the lower face to face with some bad milk in the wrong time of my visit, but was a technique that led to the letter. Perhaps that is why the postman knocks at my door, because I live in the fifth ... same technique that is subliminally registered in a user manual.

The other day a "mailbox" called my intercom at 16h. just when fried just stay on the couch. As I said before, I tend to be supportive of their work, but if I wake with a start, I usually spend very bad grapes, and I become quite green, telling them that we are in the XXI century and that you please think of the environment, that publication be submitted online or on TV ... Even if it's the Ikea catalog, I reduced the ecological fever becomes my solidarity with the guild dealer of mailshot.

this morning came to my door from above, a commercial readership. I promise I will try to be patient and kind with them ... I gave him the best of my smile when I said "No thanks, I'm not interested." But I think she was invisible earplugs to listen not because it opened a magazine and began to teach their content. Then, continuing my smile, as if it were an advertisement for Colgate, replied saying, "No thanks, I like to buy my books in bookstores and able to touch ..." And she, I do not know if they had changed their plugs for a headset with stereo music, stressed the diversity of titles offered by the magazine, now writing in my hands, and do not know what more advantages. To me, that smile I was starting to freeze, and more than an advertisement for Colgate, it seemed that I had happened to the Corega and my lips were stuck to the teeth, my nostrils were swelling and I snapped it not really read almost anything, and that does not compensate for losing his wonderful time with me, nor I have a literary magazine ... What do you think, he gave up? Well believe it, followed erre que erre, reopened the damn magazine and me I did not know how to rid of her, she pulled the magazine from the hands, and would see what he would do next with her, and when trying to close the door and say goodbye, I said no, he had to sign up ... And to me and only smile that was what I had taught him to cachuli Pantoja: "Teeth, teeth, which is what most bothers ..." My patience touched its limits, but decided to return to the kind of first sentence, drowning my desire to him also the four things, including that if when go down to the portal was the postman, tell him that if he could call at my door today, he'd better it was because brought a letter or a package of the Magi forgotten.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Best Way To Install A Ski Pole On An Outboard

Birds that were not birds but flying paper figures around haphazardly, hoping for a glance or a gesture, to take their own life and not be guided by the threads where they were subject. In the room, time was slipping through his fingers like a handful of sand. The window was open and the bars, cold air coming in, pulled the strings of colorful carousel that is tangled in her hair.
-head high and do not be afraid, "he said to himself, while combing against the rusty mirror, convinced that the birds were in his head, were merely the product of many nights lost in their dreams.

(Written for the challenge of micro fourteenth Forum Neverland)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Honeymoon Money Shower Invitation

biodiversity hotspots.

ended and the renowned International Year of Biodiversity, and he also found one of the most eagerly anticipated studies by biologists and environmentalists Valencia. Far from disappointing
all expectations, the report released just weeks ago has finally put the Valencia region at the head continental biodiversity, and no wonder, since the thesis, supported by numerous academic studies provided by local universities national and has recorded no fewer than 17,300 different species within its regional boundaries to be a benchmark in Europe.
The Valencian Community is one of the seventeen autonomous communities that make up Spain. Its surface, just barely 23,255 square kilometers is just over four and a half percent of the entire national territory, making it the eighth largest community in the country, but despite its limited size, it contains about twenty percent of all biodiversity listed in the Iberian country, a rate that is unparalleled in the entire European continent, Asia or the Middle East less. As recently unveiled the Minister for the Environment, Water, Planning and Housing, D. Juan Cotino have been counted in 1300 about seventeen taxa of flora and fauna, surpassing the most optimistic expectations expressed in this regard and to meet professionals and lovers of art. It also warns that the currently known species are only a percentage of really inhabiting the area, so the Cryptozoology still plays a major role at the time of cataloging life forms here are their habitat and assess the variety.
The Levantine region, washed by the waters of the Mediterranean has many diverse ecosystems, marine plains, mountains and valleys of different altitudes, marshes, lagoons, forests, wetlands, islands, prairies, river ecosystems, coastal and marine environment of different depth and consideration are present along with rural and urban landscapes, thereby providing an invaluable range of habitats that are home to such notable figures of living entities, being the main support for its existence.
also noteworthy that the autonomous region of Valencia has one of the webs most significant protected areas in Spain, between Parks, Municipal Natural Areas, natural reserves, natural monuments, protected landscapes, flora and micro-reserves of Special Protection Areas for Bird, Valencia has protected more than thirteen percent of its territory, a policy which undoubtedly is helping to preserve natural wealth holding despite its shortcomings. Natura 2000 has for its part of a wide representation and do not forget that the inn of Els Ports - Maestrazgo boasts a strong candidate to be declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. However, this is the least damaged area of \u200b\u200bmany coastal strip bordering the western Mediterranean and one of the best conserved regions of the country environmentally. Concrete data that reflects this situation is that the province of Castellón, the northernmost of the three that make up the community, still has more than forty-four percent of its original forest cover, followed by Alicante with more than a third of Forest Preserve, is certainly the province of Valencia the less fortunate, thanks to the increased demographic weight.

Traces of the rich biodiversity of Valencia.

In any case, it pays to be more self-critical despite the goodwill of the results and pay attention to the problems facing this real hot spot of biodiversity English. Without hesitating a moment, is precisely the population growth experienced in recent years, along with the hated climate change, the more problems to be faced if we want the region remains the epicenter is alive. In less than a decade, the human population has increased Valencian beyond forty percent, well above the five million inhabitants, a figure that inevitably takes its toll on the environment. A dozen cities have exceeded more than fifty thousand inhabitants, creating a demand for materials and energy more than substantial.
In light of the conclusions expressed in much-praised report, only remains to keep betting on clean energy, preservation of species and ecosystems, and the proper management of the rich environment of Valencia, in addition to requiring policies committed to sustainable development.
Please welcome the International Year of Forests and Chemistry.

Can Duoderm Be Washed

The Curious Incident of the Dog in

, is about a fifteen year old boy who suffers from a kind of disorder that not define, because the book will not comment, and makes you see the world a different way. He is passionate about mathematics and logic, never lies and will haunt some colors. It is a curious book by the way the story is told and what matters is different from what he read and thought provoking. Sometimes it is a tad heavy, the way it is written, but the way it is written is what makes it different and interesting. Is very short and reads quickly, the paste has is not hooked to devour. Is it worth reading? Yes, but hey, neither is it to shoot rockets, perhaps expecting something more, how they paint other readers. So if someone had it in his list of books yet, I encourage you to read it, but wait too much, maybe you'll like it better this way.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sample Message For Baby

between two glasses of wine a peephole

If you had asked me what he had seen that night, had not known what to say. We called it movie nights, and never knew what movie we would see. If we distributed more than four along a table, we knew that there was going to put on a good soiree. These were the action movies, we could end up mixed with each other, irrigated with water instead of wine or beer, even more than shattered. It was fun but you were playing life. The champagne glasses were what they used to fall into such celebrations, and although they are unbearable and are always bragging about her figure fine and delicate, usually leaving them believe what they want, because ultimately give us enough grief, some can not stand anything and break on the day of its release.

I, fortunately, I'm a glass of wine and a lover of romantic films, which translated into our movies are the tables of two, sometimes even four. These sessions are calm and relaxed, though not always, sometimes witnessing scenes of tension, where we love to swallow wine to contain and enter a deep sleep until the heat and noise of the dishwasher we woke up.

That night I do not know what kind of film we had played, was a table for two, and my partner had the same doubts as me. Had landed two diners at our table who did not speak much, but neither seemed to be angry, just went quiet and occasionally wondered something that happened to them, and then answer again to plunge into another awkward silence, that kept us intrigued. One of them barely tasted the wine, which touched me, to be exact, he drank but did not seem to enjoy it. We noticed that sort of thing is a very intimate act we share with them, not everyone is accustomed as we are, to rub the lips of others. What distinction did not know was if she enjoyed because my content was not right for your taste, or because it bothered her companion. I asked my partner to know if your guest was having the same, to which he replied that he had not noticed anything strange about your drinking, except that he had left a mark on the edge with her lipstick, something common and which also we are quite accustomed.

for the content of the brief and casual conversation between, it was clear that he knew enough, but his attitude at the table revealed that it was the first time I dined together, even sometimes I had the feeling it was the first time they had seen, but others seemed quite the opposite, which had seen many times. What I was clear and I knew from the beginning, it was not a partner as such.

Before reaching desserts, and anticipating that at any moment we withdraw from the table, pushed by the intrigue that gave me this odd couple, I suggested to my companion to perform an experiment to find out more about our guests. We exchanged our positions so that my partner stood in front of him, and I in front of her, can see that he no longer was not a trace of lipstick. When both took a sip of wine, we noted in our area, while they felt it was accompanied with his accomplices and looks, was the first time his lips caressed a kiss like something latent.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Square Recessed Lighting


As much as I tried not to make noise when climbing one flight of stairs, was irreparable, the creak of wood betrayed me, and the first neighbor right opened his peephole to watch me every time I went up to my apartment located in the third. I had never seen his face, he knew who lived for Prudence, the concierge told me the first day I moved, the life line of each and every one of the residents of this small building.

What we formed seven neighbors, Prudence, who had a small apartment on the ground floor, whose front door came a little cubicle-shaped counter, and that was the goal. The first right is the addict through the peephole, a widow lady that knew no more data. In front of her two boys, with whom I have crossed in the year that had lived here, about six times, and according to Prudence: "Those two are a couple, because two men living together you know ..." he said as he looked sideways down the stairs with a grimace with the lips, transforming them into a straight line pointing to the side where there directed gaze. I used to avoid those kinds of conversations when approached with gossip and a cloth to clean the boxes, while I took out my mail, but became so friendly and helpful "hoped that since you have opened and I leave I take gleaming in ", I do not know what was cut, and it was hard then get rid of it, because I bombed nonstop as if starved for conversation, and was following me around the portal. Sometimes I was afraid that I also follow the stairs, if you got me on my house. So to avoid this, I had planted without climbing a step, but she played like it was in no hurry and invited me to a cafe, and there I took advantage to look at the clock and tell how late it was, or was expecting a call.

in the second lived a couple with three teenage children. They bought the two flats to bring them together and make a bigger, but eventually returned to separate because they divorced. According to the gossips say, or rather, the language of Prudence: "Some have had to leave door open, as children never go through the door coming ..." Sometimes I wondered if Prudence would have secret cameras installed at the landings to control us everyone.

In the third left, just outside my door, lived Casilda. It was the only neighbor with whom he had engaged in conversation, apart from Prudence. He was seventy-three, and lived with a son who should be around fifty, and Casilda was determined to marry any woman who crossed his path, even if your child twice their age. "He's had bad luck the poor " he told me the first day, and whenever I had occasion. had a very pretty girlfriend when I was young, were engaged for many years, since were children, but just when they decided to marry, because they started to go right things, in the absence of a few days to the wedding, he Encarnita heart stopped while he slept. And Andrew went into a deep depression from which he took up his head. He did not find another like her Encarnita. " Casilda invisible wiped two tears with a handkerchief and said with a sigh "What can we do, that's life. I just hope that death does not take me before him together, I can not leave him alone " And then stared at me, waiting for a reaction on my part, but I do not know what to say, the gentleman could have been my father, who seek to a more commensurate with their age ... So, looking at my clock to see that I was late, I put the key in the lock on my door and say "Well Casilda, no worry, Andrew and find someone, you have to do is get out more and leave you to your breath and entered the house almost without giving the option to reply, because the next ditty and I knew it very well "Well Encarnita you remind me ... with your floor and mine, when you inherit Andrew, you can do what they have done the second ... " never talked to Andrew, he I saw a serious and reserved man, and merely a polite good morning or good afternoon, when we passed. Ever had agreed with them on the website or on the stairs, and there Casilda used to take this opportunity to us to talk as a matchmaker awkward because he did not realize or would not be, that neither were interested in knowing . And then Andrew made me a gesture of circumstance that I corresponded with a "nothing happens" at bajini .

One day, taking advantage of the intervention in my work of Prudence correspondence, I asked him what he thought about Andrew, to which she replied that he was a sadder than a funeral, and I could not live with a man, once left alone for life, and her husband for much less, had given door. A while later I would have, in a fit of nostalgia, which was the opposite, that her husband left her to go with a younger woman with whom she was more than ten years, and whose relationship she had agreed in secret, because he did not know she was aware of it, not to be at his age alone. But in the end he had lost. That day I felt so sorry for Prudence and I dared not refuse the invitation of the coffee cup he offered me, as she drank a glass of anise, which was good for said gases, and warm, but I also thought her just a little taste heart.

When I went to my house, it was dark, and the creaking of wood on the landing of the first, under my feet, he slid the peephole in the door on the right, Mercedes lurking, as usual, and I could not understand why I never crossed with that woman. When I reached my floor, I met with Casilda, throwing out a garbage bag because his son had not arrived and offal had not wanted the house is impregnated with the smell. I offered to lower the bag, but first take this opportunity to ask her the neighbor of the first Mercedes, which was becoming more curious. Casilda looked at me suspiciously.

- What have you told the gossip of Prudence? Because of prudence that spends only name.
"Nothing," I said only that a widow.
Rather, Black Widow. Her husband died of a rare disease, a kind of paralysis that he was leaving as a vegetable until it expired ... for me that poisoned him to find another.
"I've never seen why not leave the house?
"For shame, I suppose -. And he went into the house, handing the bag of garbage and practically giving me the door in his face.

By lowering the container, I saw Prudence was closing the goal, and I realized that my curiosity was aroused and I kept quiet, especially after seeing the reaction had Casilda with my question, and certainly was not proportional to what you had told me on Mercedes, there was something fishy, \u200b\u200band if he was right, he knew who had the answers. I was becoming a kind of small-scale Prudence.

"Good night, Prudence, I come to throw trash Casilda, and it has updated me on what Mercedes ..." gave him a knowing look of Privacy-cold ... I was with the issue.
- Casilda told you? He asked, puzzled, takes years not to mention the subject, now acts as if it never happened.
"Of course he has told me, Casilda and I usually talk much about personal issues, I also told him about the poor Encarnita, rest in peace. But this other matter has left me uneasy. "Well fine
mounted with that case, when
discovered the cake ... "I guess" I answered, more puzzled and nervous than ever, because he could not pull the bluff where I was making, "How did he react?
- Which one?
-For all.
-Well imagine, Mercedes locked himself in his house in tatters, and since then very little comes out, really. Always looking through your peephole to make sure it goes up or down one when it comes out. It makes me good morning in a whisper, and comes and goes like a bullet. Casilda became angry, and after burying her husband, spent a while knocking on their door and insulting. I do not know how this woman sold her house and left here.
- Why the insult? Rather have the poor with her husband's death, but do not know, I do not think she was the culprit.
"Oh girl, you're rolling, guilty or guilty ... imagine find out that your husband is sleeping with your neighbor, twenty years younger, and over you hear because the bastard has palmed in his bed ... this woman needed was to have been filed with her husband, and absence of this, I paid and gave vent to her.
- Sure, so called black widow!
- But you knew it or not? Because your face has been a surprise ... I'll have been wormed, because one is talkative but honest, and certainly am not one of those gossipy who go around telling dirty linen outside.
"Of course I knew, I was reporting how Casilda called" the black widow. "
"No need to inform me that whole neighborhood was already familiar with, put a banner hanging from the terrace of the third, it announced.
- How much does that?
-More than fifteen years.
"I feel sad to Mercedes, do not know, but had to be very hard for her too.
"Look daughter, I then I can not give the reason that had not gotten where it was called, in this case I feel more sorry for Casilda, I can not help comparing his story with mine. But at least Fermín is alive, and I have my anger with whom she was. Although it did not help, and you see that the two are just as lonely, but he remains a well at home, where at least can be downloaded.

up the stairs, I made all the noise I could, that Mercedes I hear and know of my presence. For the first time I did not care that this woman move his peephole to watch me. I stopped at my door finding that did not have my bag, I had left on the counter of the goal. I went down like a bullet, and just as down to reach the first floor, I saw that closed door Mercedes. If I had not made so much noise going down, I thought I would have found her face down. My bag was just where he remembered having left while talking to Prudence. Climbing heard footsteps, a stretch or two ahead of me, also rose. Increasing pace wondering if it would be Mercedes because of the street had no proceeded, though not much sense to come up in any case would fall. Upon reaching my flight I saw it was Andrew who took out the key to your home, out of pocket. At that time, seeing me, he was hesitating to enter the key into the lock, but turned around and approached me.

"I do not know what I have been told, and I guess I've been out of first. I just want you to know that she is not like the paint, we all make mistakes ... My mother is too old, and suffered his part, I do not now suffering is also mine.
"For my part, be still, I do not know, nor have I seen anything -. And when I walked into my house, closing the door behind me, I decided to focus on my own affairs, as he had always done.