With the focus in the new year ahead "The Mirror of Science has launched the second year running the aptly named" Competition for Tortuamigos "aimed at users already prestigious Forum Amigos de las Tortugas ( http://www.tortuamigos.com/ ). This second edition features as its predecessor, the possibility that registered users get an exceptional gift through an entertaining and educational quiz and activities about animals that are essentially the center of attention, the turtles.
Rules are the same as those set out in last year: ten activities are proposed, all very simple games for learners and lovers of the Turtles. Just indicate the correct answer or solution to each of them. The successful bidder is the user gets the most correct answers, in case of a tie between two or more participants, is the quickest answer that is imposed.
On this occasion, the prize winner is the most attractive; This blog provides a gift of great artistic and educational value while of considerable value, with two elements in the consignment: An Informal Agenda National Geographic Society . If last year was submitted in this contest the society's official agenda, this year it is donated a much more relaxed but equally valuable and useful. This essential tool organization has space to accommodate a user's personal data, annual chart available for hours daily tasks grouped weekly, accompanied by beautiful photographs (trademark of National Geographic), articles and thematic maps and diagrams; all set in a hard cover edition equipped with beautifully presented, practical spiral binding and a locking original and comfortable. The Agenda 2011 is dedicated to our oceans, which is Parente on the subject of all the work Thanks to its numerous photographs, and maps. Second, the winner will receive a special edition of National Geographic entitled "Seas and Oceans: Water for Life." We are in a unique publication that presents an enjoyable mysteries and knowledge gained over the centuries about the oceans, their origin, climate and biodiversity, providing a stunning collection of photographs worthy of National Geographic and the most advanced educational artwork in the form of graphs, maps and high-resolution schemes. In this work have helped world-renowned scientists and true authorities on the subject such as Mario Molina, Dorion Sagan and Lynn Margulis and others. Ultimately, the winner gets a whole lot that is a reference on the seas and oceans of the world.
On this occasion, the prize winner is the most attractive; This blog provides a gift of great artistic and educational value while of considerable value, with two elements in the consignment: An Informal Agenda National Geographic Society . If last year was submitted in this contest the society's official agenda, this year it is donated a much more relaxed but equally valuable and useful. This essential tool organization has space to accommodate a user's personal data, annual chart available for hours daily tasks grouped weekly, accompanied by beautiful photographs (trademark of National Geographic), articles and thematic maps and diagrams; all set in a hard cover edition equipped with beautifully presented, practical spiral binding and a locking original and comfortable. The Agenda 2011 is dedicated to our oceans, which is Parente on the subject of all the work Thanks to its numerous photographs, and maps. Second, the winner will receive a special edition of National Geographic entitled "Seas and Oceans: Water for Life." We are in a unique publication that presents an enjoyable mysteries and knowledge gained over the centuries about the oceans, their origin, climate and biodiversity, providing a stunning collection of photographs worthy of National Geographic and the most advanced educational artwork in the form of graphs, maps and high-resolution schemes. In this work have helped world-renowned scientists and true authorities on the subject such as Mario Molina, Dorion Sagan and Lynn Margulis and others. Ultimately, the winner gets a whole lot that is a reference on the seas and oceans of the world.
This activity was submitted to the remarkable community of Tortuamigos eleventh day last Saturday and the contest was officially launched with the publication of the ten activities that formed the basis on which to participate, which took place on Wednesday, the fifteenth day this month at twelve o'clock PM, as the official time provisions Forum UTC + 2 hours. After several days of proceedings, having registered a remarkable acceptance and participation by members of the Forum, could finally disclosed the name of the winner, made public yesterday.
With a total of nine hits over ten activities, and because of failure to register any full winners, the faster response was received on Wednesday, December 15 to 15 hours, 44 minutes and 26 seconds with the return of Miriam Guzman Global Moderator user and that responds to Miri_Guzmán pseudonym. With this victory, Miriam validates the title won in the first edition of the competition.
From these lines I want to extend my most sincere congratulations to the winner, who will receive their deserved gift, sponsored by "The Mirror of Science" in his own home in Santiago, Chile. I also thank all participating contestants, because without them none of this would be possible.
can see the details of this contest through the following link:
- 2011 Tortuamigos Contest.
With a total of nine hits over ten activities, and because of failure to register any full winners, the faster response was received on Wednesday, December 15 to 15 hours, 44 minutes and 26 seconds with the return of Miriam Guzman Global Moderator user and that responds to Miri_Guzmán pseudonym. With this victory, Miriam validates the title won in the first edition of the competition.
From these lines I want to extend my most sincere congratulations to the winner, who will receive their deserved gift, sponsored by "The Mirror of Science" in his own home in Santiago, Chile. I also thank all participating contestants, because without them none of this would be possible.
can see the details of this contest through the following link:
- 2011 Tortuamigos Contest.
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