Friday, December 17, 2010

The Front Of My Hair Is Thinning

For the curiosity of the audience ... The frozen heart

I have not had time to make an entrance in a position but how could we not discuss the most anticipated interview of the issue ...

The sad truth is that a contestant with a chance of winning the contest, has lost the curiosity of those who follow the program to come face to face with images that no one would see on your partner ... but that's life, and that's big brother, and of course I still love!

And what While they set up the videos? There, poking his finger in the yaga and contrasting the words of justification and the version that she had to reassure him with the reality of the facts ... do not let puppet head. If I do not even remember half the things he had said or done, and that from time to time have repeated ... no wonder she had some distorted memories. Although I believe that the worst of all, there are pictures of her with the geypermans, but harassment and demolition that had to Reuben, into believing that he was the "executioner" and not the "victim", that is to manipulate tests and the rest is nonsense ... but of course to have achieved that, he should have been in the same condition, and it is clear that Reuben is on another level than her.

I want to leave it on Thursday and face events ... to continue with the illness of the matter ... and because I see everyone is committed to take to Iago, is leading the polls, and do not understand. I like it, is playing its cards what's wrong? It's a contest! Why do we forget every time you see someone play? And it is false to those around them, and change the group of about socks, but part of its strategy. In the confessional, often speaking out, does not try to fool the audience, as expected they did Feroz and Flor (here, the program spent three villages). The decision to have committed is to believe that to win, the important thing is to get no nominee out to me that has seen little or no issues ... I like his dry humor and I enjoy indoors. It is the only one who has faced the flirts in the stanzas, and it is flushed through the house ... If I go out Yago bored as an oyster. So for me ... echéis not porfa, porfa ...


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