Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bsest Place For Poultry Farm

Earth Hour. Stones

Only ten days remaining to the event happening again biggest of many popular take out, an event of global proportion in which more than 1300 million people demonstrate in unison concern about the state of the planet we inhabit, "More than an hour" is his motto.

Earth Hour 2011.

is not the first time that this particular initiative is practiced and certainly not the last, without going any further, couples on dates last year was provided an extensive presentation of this event in The Mirror Science, I suppose that many regular readers will remember.
The symbolic act of turning off lights and appliances appliances for one hour a year is a clear and significant symbolic gesture that makes it clear the conscience of millions of citizens who require a clear policy on energy saving which to base a sustainable society that respects the environment, an attitude that all we can magnify with our participation, is as simple as turning off lights and reduce household electricity consumption, the effects of the voluntary blackout can be seen immediately and is a clear reflection of our concern for the excessive energy consumption. The participation of thousands of cities around the globe and millions of municipalities is also a lighting show to shut down of the most famous monuments and buildings of the cities.
This new edition, held as usual by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), will probably be the biggest of all to date, this is because more people are becoming aware and the concern and desire to do things it has spread widely by the global population, is therefore an event you can not miss. The appeal was set for next Saturday March 26th and will start at 20:30 on English time, ie at 19:30 GMT and runs for sixty minutes.
This year it is also possible to register symbolically on a world map as a confirmation of our partnership, this will manifest our individual awareness and serves as an example to encourage those people who find it difficult to make an effort to claim a common benefit.
To learn more about this initiative globally or simply translate their collaboration on the map to participate, you just need to access the official website of the event in our language, it will find many suggestions to save energy, cpodrá class international details of Earth Hour, make contact with the group of followers in the major social networks, watch videos, and more.
As they say, light off, turn on the planet.
- Earth Hour 2011. Official Web in English.


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