Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ikea Sultan Sandane Round Bed

Once I lost a sock. Many times I lost socks, but this pair was different. They had nothing in particular, were comfortable, did not leave marks, but some colors were so striking that were difficult to combine. For this reason, barely used them. Once, not knowing how I lost one of them. The other, the odd, stayed in the drawer waiting for his partner appeared, and although not usually use them, every time I saw the lone sock, I felt like it was her partner to wear them. I looked everywhere and more than once emptied the drawer, I ordered it and matches all again, finally proving that yes, that was odd. Tired of opening the box I remembered the loss of his partner and its irrelevance to be odd, I decided to throw it away.

Once I broke the washing machine so badly that I had to retire and buy a new one. When the carrier made the change of machines, I noticed that in the gap left by the former, my sock was lost, along with some other things. At that moment I remembered that only a few days before I got rid of his partner. So it was back in the same, that no longer served me anything. Between not throw shooting, what I use now that if I have the other ... I plugged the washer. Later while tending the laundry, I found it mixed in with the clothes and lay down instinctively. Twice.


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