Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kew Gardens Court In Queens

II. Workshop

The case of the invasion of American red river crabs is one of the most recurrent when referring to the problems that the introduction of exotic species generated in English ecosystems. This is probably due to the presence of such Artrópocos of striking red and black is very clear in our rivers given their large numbers. Procambarus clarkii
or river crawfish is the species best adapted and that has flourished in the Iberian river ecosystem, not surprisingly, his natural aggression when competing for space and food and their increased ability to proliferate has been awarded a key role against to native species and other introduced species Pacifastacus leniusculus or Eriocheir sinensis.

American red crab, an invasive species.

The impact of invasive species has proved to be exaggerated in the crab species native to Europe, Austropotamobius pallipes, which has been eroded or disappeared most part of their Iberian populations to the point of being almost imperceptible in the English rivers and often be restricted to cold-water distribution of the swift currents that run in mountainous regions or the northern rivers of the peninsula, where low temperatures minimize expansive progression of non-native crabs.
Unlike red or yellow exotic crabs placed in the second half of last century, the Crab has a characteristic European olive green dorsal and ventral pale green to distinguish it clearly, it is a decapod crustacean Astacidea Family Astacidae, resident native to warm temperate regions of Europe, which is distributed from the Balkans to the Iberian Peninsula, being present even in the continental and the British Islands or the Balearic Islands, although the situation is involved in almost all its territory either by exotic species input or aggression caused to river environments. Austropotamobius pallipes prefers shallow rivers and lakes where they usually hide under stones at the bottom or under fallen logs. Is substantially smaller than the red crab, rarely exceeds ten or twelve inches in length and its large and well protected cephalothorax their large claws are its salient features. His abdomen is less developed limbs and six drivers only allow you to move out of the water when it is removed from its element.
Females lay between sixty and one hundred and fifty eggs you carry attached to his abdomen and legs in the fall, to spend the winter hidden in underground tunnels carved into the mud of the riverbed. Spring and summer are very active, although crepuscular and nocturnal habits have therefore not always easily visible in broad daylight.

Almonacid Algimia environment.

Crab Population Europe has clearly been affected as well in the Natural Park Sierra de Espadán, where despite having reduced flow small streams, winding between mountains and valleys is difficult to find indigenous species, while the surface is evident from the presence of American crustaceans.
with the serious intention of promoting the recovery of European malacostracan, regular campaigns capture and removal of exotic crabs now joins the reintroduction of specimens of Austropotamobius pallipes lusitanicus , the local subspecies, and with it you want to offset the decline the species in the area and protect its population. Following the success last year, next Saturday March 5 marks the Day of the Crab in the Sierra of the sword, an event organized by the Governing Board of the Park and the Regional Government of Valencia. This second edition will take place in the municipality of Algimia de Almonacid, whose municipality nestled in the heart of Natural Park and is crossed by the Chico River. The highlight of the educational day will be marked by the release of individuals of that species in the vicinity of the recreation area of \u200b\u200bthe source of the road, nestled on the outskirts of town.
Attendance at this event is free, but to be part of the release is require pre-registration testing it has been made available to interested phone 964 62 91 12 and email address The registration places are limited.


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